Payment method

Payment Method
1Online Banking/E-bankingmaybank2u/pbebank/cimbclicksYou may register/apply from Bank or ATM.
2Moblie Banking-CIMB
3Goto Bank Counter and bank in. Need to fill up the Deposit slip.
4ATM Transfer
Bank Name : Maybank
Bank Account Name : FRDERIC
Bank Account No : 155015080999

Bank Name : CIMB Bank
Bank Account Name : FREDERIC
Bank Account No :14580001476053

Bank Name : Public Bank
Bank Account Name : FREDERIC
Bank Account No :3161455608

Paypal account:
Please bank in within 3 days after we had confirm your order. Otherwise the order will be cancel automatically. Thank you.

How to inform us after bank in
1The fastest way is SMS:016-0000000
Write the sms like“Hi, I'm Nicole, sales order888, I had bank in RM26 into your Maybank today 2pm. Please send my goods ASAP, Thanks~”
2Leave Message at
After bank in, log into your a/c, click Order history:
Fill up the Remark there like:
Bank into: Maybank
Amount: RM26
Time/Date: 2pm/01/01/2010
Click Update after fill in.
We will send out your goods within 2 days after your payment.